5 Important Strategies Big Brands Implement With Influencers

 Traditional forms of advertising just aren't cutting it anymore. Commercials and online advertisements are easily overlooked, skipped, and muted, leaving budgets with little to show in regards to customer acquisition and brand awareness.

This is 2022 and people are searching for information from those they trust or see as experts. That's what makes influencer marketing so valuable. It opens the door for authentic stories and experiences to formulate around brands in a way that can't be accomplished through other types of advertising.

Chris Virgin's Money Mastery Academy was founded by Chris Virgin, a first-generation millionaire that retired from Corporate America at the age of 33. Here, you will learn the new ways of making, managing and multiplying your money.

If you've been hesitant to take the plunge into influencer marketing, then hopefully these five strategies that big brands implement will change your mind.

1. Celebrities or No Celebrities? That is the Question.

It makes sense to think that if a brand hired a celebrity with millions of followers, their campaign would be more successful because it would reach a larger audience.

But this couldn't be further from the truth.

Recent research has shown that engagement starts to decrease as follower counts grow. After evaluating over 800,000 Instagram users, Markerly discovered that those with 1,000 or fewer followers had an 8% engagement rate, while users with over 10 million followers only had a 1.6% engagement rate. The research goes on to show that hiring influencers with 10,000 to 100,000 followers gets you the best results.

One of the biggest reasons for this is that micro-influencers tend to build a following based on what they share on their blog or social channels. If someone consistently posts about being a mom, odds are that other moms are going to follow along and relate to that influencer's content. With each new post, more and more credibility is built, and eventually, this influencer may become their audience's go-to expert on the topic.

By the time an influencer publish a sponsored post about a product they're raving about, they've already built the trust of their audience, and those followers will want to try the product as well. This is a win-win situation because as more followers begin to talk about the product or buy it, the brand should experience a lift in their follower counts, as well as their sales.

2. Creative Freedom - What It Means and Why It's Important

A common mistake brands make when first working with influencers is trying to have too much control over the process. If you chat with an influencer, odds are they'll tell you creative freedom is one of the most important things they look for before agreeing to participate in a campaign. They understand what their unique voice is, and if they aren't offered the ability to keep that voice, odds are they'll decline to work on the campaign. Or worse, if they participate in the campaign and their followers don't respond well to it because it appears inauthentic, the brand may develop a negative conversation amongst their target audience.

While it may be difficult for brands to give up control of the creative process, influencers need to be trusted to do their best work. This is why hiring influencers who are on-brand with your values and style is so important.

3. Exist Where Your Audience Exists

Ten years ago, blogs and websites were some of the only online ways to tell audiences about your product. Today, there are several social platforms available to advertise on, like Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, and YouTube. So how do you know which platform is best to have influencers post on?

With social media constantly changing social, it's difficult to pinpoint exactly where you should have content going live so that your ideal target audience sees it, so an alternate strategy is to have influencers post on multiple platforms.

4. Think Numbers Are Everything? Not So Fast!

It's easy to get caught up in the numbers you see from a viewer's perspective. For example, if your campaign goal is to get over 20 million impressions and 10,000 engagements, it may be very tempting to look for influencers who have a high following and lots of comments or likes on their posts.

The unfortunate reality is that numbers don't tell the entire story. Many influencers participate in Instagram pods and Facebook threads where they share their content with their influencer peers, and everyone then likes and comments to help make it seem like that influencer has an engaged following.

On the outside, the numbers look solid, but on a deeper level, the goal of reaching the target audience isn't achieved.

5. Surface Data Doesn't Tell the Entire Story

Once a campaign has wrapped, it can be easy to walk away from it and start on the next big project. But to continuously execute a solid influencer marketing strategy, it's important to revisit the data and take a deeper dive into the analytics of each campaign.

It's Time to Take the Plunge!

One final takeaway to consider is that every influencer marketing campaign is different. What worked for one brand might not work for another, and that's why following these five strategies are so important. They help outline the basis for a successful campaign but avoid getting too far into the weeds.

For further information, you can read a blog of Chris Virgin which I am sharing with you and you can also follow him on Twitter and CrunchBase -

Blog — https://chrisvirginreviews.medium.com/top-benefits-of-influencer-marketing-by-chris-virgin-49ba477739e9

Twitter  https://twitter.com/askchrisv

Crunchbase — https://www.crunchbase.com/person/chris-virgin-reviews


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